


How Long does it take for my order to ship/arrive?

Typically, a patron can expect to receive his or, her order within 1 - 2 weeks depending on what was ordered. Depending on the order details and volume some packages may be sent via Priority Mail Services. 

What exactly is Covenaunt? 

While the about page is an excellent method of obtaining a general idea of what Covenaunt entails - we are much more than just a "clothing brand". Covenaunt is more of a creative passion project. We have plans to explore a trading card game, original soundtracks, and much more! 

What is the "Promo" Collection?

The Promo/Promotional Collection is a recurring section on the site in which, promotional versions of TBA pieces can be purchased. These iterations of future garments and accessories are typically produced in a cheaper manner in comparison to the final production so that customers can get feel for the garment as quickly as possible and provide feedback before the official release. The price of every "promo" item will reflect that this as well.